Friday, February 8, 2013

Ngiyakuthanda.. (I Love You) South Africa.

Mmmmm Sanibona (Hello in Zulu).. I am trying to pick up on the Zulu language here! I can't believe that it is already Friday// The weeks go by so fast, I really want to just PUSH PAUSE. Everyday is such a remarkable experience.. I am learning new things every day...and loving being here. So blessed and thankful.. and am so blessed by the beautiful people I interact with and love on the daily. It still almost feels like a dream.

Well, here is just a little catch up on the week~

Tuesday// Went on a early morning run with my dearest roomie Penny. We have become quite fond over this reserve of wild life and nature by AE (African Enterprise)... It is very hilly sooo it's a work out, but we often take breaks to gaze at the zebras and bucks in the breathtaking mornings. I want to talk to the animals. They are so beautiful. Later in the morning our group went to Riv Life, one of the service sites we may go back to in a couple weeks. Each of us gets to pick one of four service sites to spend three weeks at, which will be an amazing experience. Riv Life is a non profit organization that has a clinic, community center, garden, pre school, and other things to aid the people who live in that township. There was so much joy in visiting on tuesday. The preschool children sang to us, so precious. God is doing extraordinary things there, all because of the leaders Faith!  Beautiful selfless faith.. I could see myself working at a place like Riv Life.. Mmm Kingdom work. Mmmm someday I hope to work in a community center in the States or in another country//Just dreaming.

tuesday continued...our Life and Teachings class (on the gospels and Jesus) was eye opening and challenging once again. This class is probably one of the best classes in Bible I have ever had. We dug into the Beatitudes...we are called to "be" not "do".  Also, talked about Salt and Light... "The only way I know I am a Child of God,.. is if I am being a Child of God Today.." ~Reg (our teacher)..We also talked about divorce and marriage and how divorce has become the "Norm"..satan feasts on this...Then our teacher Reg, gave his testimony how God broke down his life and transformed it..Powerful beautifully broken and heartbreaking story of how he got divorced after 37 years of marriage, left his pastoring job, and hit rock bottom.. I do not do the story justice. God is so good and his forgiveness is so beyond us.. Reg is truly a Man of God.. He reminds me of my grandpa Bill. He has such passion for teaching and preaching the word of God, so blessed to learn from him this semester. God does his best work when we are broken..// side not I got an eye infection tuesday night after connect groups it was kinda ya yucky..all red and pussy so ya..haha interesting for sure.

Wednesday// My Art class took a field trip to Durban..and visited different art galleries and museums, as well as getting some coffee and shopping and lectures along the way. It was such a fun day..hanging out..laughing, learning..making new friends..experiencing new things..and marveling at individual's God given talents..I wish I had a more creative side in me. Then later that night had D-group (small group) led by two beautiful nursing students here..we have all kinda adopted the nurses as our moms or older siblings. They are the best..and d group was great. Mmm then hung out at the prayer chapel and finally had some alone time..and gazed at the clear sky and all the wondrous stars. Mmmm just was pondering and thinking a lot..we get fed so well here at AE and less then 30 minutes away in a township children go without many things race through my mind in the late hours of the night. Also, it is interesting that not may white South Africans go into the black townships here..just thinking out loud...once again. Asking God so many different questions.

Thursday// Mmm tried to wake up and run ..did not happen..had a great Life and Teachings class we talked about Jesus' second coming. Mmmm I do believe that we are living in the closing years of Reg echoed too..some good discussion and food for thought in this class...Satan knows his time is running out...// Art class is always ya well it is good for me I am learning...we made stamps today that was fun..I am getting better at drawing my hand too. Then in the afternoon went on an adventure hike. Mmmm ended the day with peanut butter and ice cream the best combination. Peanut butter is like a huge thing here..we have it with like every meal. Mmm then had great conversations with the girls in my chalet so blessed my the, What Joy they bring. Mmm Gary wouldn't let me have any chocolate..ahaha long story just ask Penny//haha love her//

Friday//TODAY// Went on a run with Ang and Pens! For chapel this morning we listenend to Francis Chan when he spoke at Apu last week. Always a great speaker about the Truth. He spoke about God's Faithfulness. "If we are faithless, He remains Faithful because He can't deny Himself.." Then had a white South African (Afrikaan) come and speak to us this morning for Intercultural Comm.. we tried some cow tongue and cake sisters. Listened to some Afrikaans music ahaha it is the best. Mmmm but still there are wounds from the Apartheid that are still healing..still some fear.., but have progressed forward thus far...

Heading to a Rugby game tonight..should be fun and is probably going to rain..aha :) then tomorrow heading to Battle Fields to see some history from the Boer Wars..A packed weekend for sure..

Miss you guys! So abundantly blessed!  Ngiyakuthanda (I love You).

Shalom & Love

Sarah Rae

"Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. I will praise you, O lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever. For great is your Love towards me; you have delivered me form the depths of the grave.."

Psalm 86:11-13

1 comment:

  1. Sarah,
    Such joy fills my heart as I read your posts and see the pictures you post. What a wonderful vessel of light you are for the Lord. Thank-you for the glimpses you give as to what is happening in South Africa and how He is stirring your heart.
    Blessings and love to you,
