Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tomorrow is almost HERE!

Mmmmmmm what a whirlwind of a day it has been in Chilly Socal today!! Tomorrow is the day that we are leaving...WoW! No words! Had Orientation all today and met so many lovely people that will become apart of my life for the next couple months!!! My mind is racing and my heart pounding! We will be having our send off tonight..and then leave for the airport at 3:30 am yikes early! I do not know if I will sleep tonight or what... basically a whole day of flying awaits before we get to Joburg!! MMmmmm taking all of it in.. chilling with Penelope my dear new Roomie for South Africa trying to get the last minute books and things we need before we leave APU! Mmmmm! So thankful again! Goodbye America..and hello South Africa! Let the Journey begin!

Shalom & Love

Sarah Rae

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