Saturday, January 19, 2013

Home for the next couple Months

Mmmmmmm after flying for over 20 hours it is goooooood to say that our team has now arrived in Pietermaritzburg...this will be our home for the next 11 weeks crazy!! It is gorgeous here!!! What a blessing!!! Yesterday we were in Johannesburg touring around and visiting parts of Soweto! Mmmmm seeing the good, bad, and ugly of SA. Yet, I have never felt more welcomed, warm, and loved by the beautiful people here!!! Mmmmmm this morning some of us woke up and went for a run by the wild life park by where we are staying...we saw a zebra, monkeys, and who knows what else.. Also today, had our first 2 tea times... :) Now just sitting here in the room listening to the light rain and hearing the waterfall..and thanking God for what an amazing experience this is!

.....Here are some pictures from the trip so far..

Shalom & Love

Sarah Rae

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