Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Good Morning from S.A.

Mmmmmmm I am sitting in my bed...looking out my window..listening to the sounds of the morning come the radiant sun appears on the bedroom walls. I feel at home here. I know this is true because I am seeing and feeling God's presence all around me.

"I wait for the Lord, my soul waits and in His word I put my hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than  watchmen wait for the morning." ~ Psalm 130:5-6

Mmmm as I am here I am desiring to seek after God in a new way and be intentional in the word yet it is so crazy busy here too..

Yet in spite of being busy, I have experienced beautiful things..

We went to a wonderful Church on Sunday and were blessed and filled with Joy as we praised our King together, a small taste of heaven. That night I also went to a different Church with a lot of young South African students and once again blessed. God is good. The Spirit is moving and God’s everlasting love pouring out. It is a beautiful picture worshiping with others from around the world …

As well as Church it has been so great to live by a wild life park that we can walk and run in! Seeing God’s creation.. I really have no words to describe how beautiful it is here.

We started school on Monday. It is going to be a challenge, but I believe so much growth will come from the classes I am taking, that will equip me for the rest of my life.

Yesterday we visited a service site. Playing with the kids and loving on them, we saw the face of God in His beautiful Children..

I wish I could describe and show better what I am experiencing, but I can not do it Justice! I am off to eat breakfast!! Looking forward to a new adventure filled day!

Shalom& Love

Sarah Rae

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